Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Living as an artist!!!

I'm extremely excited!! I'm stepping into one of the most challenging yet fulfilling stages of my career!! I'm opening a salon..JasmineAshleySalon! Doesn't that have a beautiful ring to it? Its my new baby...
I love that the majority of the people who only know me as bubbly and sweet are naturally gonna underestimate me!! Little do they know I'm not that sweet,I jus believe a smile looks better! As far as bubbly that has dwindled with age(NOT)!! I'm a woman on a mission!! A firecracker!! Life is preparation! I've hit more bumps in the road than proactive commercial...
My partner, my love, my baby!! Destinee, she is one of my most favorite people!! We're inseparable! So this road we've chosen, two artist, two kindred spirits will be nothing but crazy, perfect,amazing and full of love!!!! Oh, and more shit to add to the rest of our life long stories... Join me as WE rise one city at a time! jasmineAshleySalon!!! The new next big thing! By the wAy... Im mean in a head of hair!!! Muah until next time!! Wear art naked....

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